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VideoWrapper API Documentation

This documentation is for the VideoWrapper source code.


VideoWrapper is a C/C++ library that provides a single abstract API for interfacing video camera libraries. VideoWrapper is essentially an API adapter: calls to the VideoWrapper API are converted to calls into the camera's native API. The interface is designed with an emphasis on simplicity: just initialize a camera and begin capturing frames.

Key features:

Supported Camera APIs

VideoWrapper currently supports cameras driven by the following camera APIs:

The SDKs for these cameras are not included with the VideoWrapper source. If you wish to compile the VideoWrapper_xxx API adapter for any of these libraries you must acquire the appropriate SDK from the vendor.

Important things to know

Building the Source

Using VideoWrapper

For an example of usage, see VideoWrapperExample.cpp.

For documentation of the functions exposed by VideoWrapper, see VideoWrapper.h.

For type and symbol definitions, see VideoWrapperTypes.h.

Where are the binaries?

This is documentation for the VideoWrapper source code. Binaries with documentation are available at

Who's writing VideoWrapper?

VideoWrapper comes out of the Georgia Tech College of Computing's Augmented Environments Lab, where it is a component of DART, the Designers Augmented Reality Toolkit .
Generated on Tue Oct 18 12:18:51 2005 for VideoWrapper API by  doxygen 1.4.1